Sunday, October 2, 2011


As everyone has come to find out, if you are...well breathing and over the age of 7 (sorry if I offend any savant kindergardeners out there), it's a crazy world we live in.  A mind-blowing, breathtaking, beautiful....twisted, corrupt, crazy world.

It really is an exciting time to be alive.  Through the distorted lens of greed, demoralization, and misconduct a scene of unity is emerging.  A united way of thinking that brings individuals together in a way that benefits the greater good, rather than perpetuating economic divide.  In recent months our world has witnessed people coming together to take a stand against the corruption and transgression that has become status quo.  Bands of people in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Wisconsin and most recently New York City, have taken to the streets to make their voices heard.  Occupy Wall Street protesters are approaching two weeks in the financial district and have developed a well organized layout including designated areas for childcare, medical attention, food and media. Echos of the groups catchy chants can now be heard across the nation as similar protests have begun popping up in cities around the nation.  Employees at large corporate banks like Charles Schwab, Chase and Bank of America may have a hard time swimming though the large crowds accumulating outside the bank doors and sitting in the lobbies.

What a visual eh?  Oh excuse me, could I get past your cardboard cutout of myself portrayed as a robber stealing from a homeless man...I'm late for work....

While I feel like giving the American people a huge pat on the back for the "occupy" movement, I also feel like simultaneously giving us all a small smack across the head.  It's about we began questioning why we continuously bend over to corporate authority while they pillage our pensions and purloin our possessions.  Finally, more of us are starting to pay attention to what is really happening in our country, and around the world.

I'm not naive, or an idiot, and I realize that few protests actually end in political reform and usually just provide a microclimate for the very same corruption and power struggle that is being opposed       --- overwhelmed, disgruntled law enforcement officers + pepper spray and batons = unpleasant protesting experience --- but it is refreshing to see people exercising their rights, putting differences aside and standing up for themselves and their neighbors.  Shit, I've paid good money to camp out with friends, sing along in groups and dance to drums for a lot less important reasons, so I say power to those occupying the streets of our nation.

But, as they are providing the voice for the American people those of us that can't physically be present at these gatherings have the chance to literally put our money where our mouth is.  The most influential way of affecting unscrupulous banks and to NOT support them! Stop the chain of deceit and greed by keeping your dollars in your community.  Shop at locally owned businesses first, support Farmers Markets and local producers, seek out local financial institutions, carpool, bike, or take public transportation....just little things, make the biggest difference.